PO Box 571737
Murray, Utah 84157-1737

Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Healing Church

A few weeks ago, I attended the morning session of Journey of Hope's mentor training. It is part of the training that the prison requires people to take before they can mentor a prisoner.

Much of the training is science based. In the training we learned that women in prison have experienced a high number, much more so than the general population, of adverse childhood experiences. These experiences are traumatic and can leave lasting psychological and I believe spiritual pain. In response to this deep pain, many of the women turn to drugs and alcohol. Too many become addicts. The addiction is like a demon, that holds the person captive.

Christ, I believe, calls His church to be intentional in bringing His healing and freedom to His sisters at the prison. He is the one who can break the chains of addiction. The church, I believe, is being called to help Christ's sisters, incarcerated at the prison, walk with Him while they are in prison.  And continue to walk with Him, when they are released from prison.

The church must remember that Christ did not leave the church powerless. He sent us the Holy Spirit to live in us and make His church bold and courageous in doing His work on this earth.

"I was in prison and you came to visit me." Matthew 25:36